Tuesday, December 30, 2008

2009 Approaches... Its Time To Look Back At 2008 And Hope For 2009

*This post was supposed to come out b4 2008 finished.... bt wat to do... LIGHTNING STRUCK MY MODEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*

Well......i guess it is fitting to blog abt the year....since its ended.... To put down all that the year had to offer..... To put down everything...*well maybe nt everything la....haha.....but u get the picture*.....lolx!....... i have put in one of my posts called "The Boredom".....was BITTERSWEET..... Here....i will touch on the details that i can spare.....the details....that......i can tell..... and maybe some that i cant well.....=P....we shall c as tthis post evolves.... bcos i write what i feel and of course....wat u rmbr la....LOL.....

I do not expect you to comprehend what im about to blog..... for.....i do not reveal....anything so easily..... lol..... whats mine to mine....and maybe....just ever so maybe....yours to kno as well.....

2008 started like every year starts.....with school.... lol.....i kno many of my comrades.... dont like guess im just one of the exceptions....cos i love to go to sch.... XD...... yea.....i really do..... LOL....but school and me...thats another post.... haha...not here.....maybe i will touch a bit la.... 2008 was the last schooling year for me...ever....finished my upper 6..... in ACS....

I know i left with a heavy heart.... too heavy..... i have too many memories there..... too many memories...not all sweet...and not all bitter.... but all cherished memories.... for realise....that....i cant go back.... to a student..... I miss my schooling life.... In time in ACS....especially my Form 6 was the best one and a half years of my life.... although.... i had a hell of a lot of things to do.... lolx.....and a lot of things to settle....hahaha.... all the things i did....i know i cant do again.... i miss my juniors.... lol.... i dunno i get along soooooo well with my juniors..... haha..... miss my teachers as weren't teachers to be exact......they were like my frens..... people i could trust.... haha... lol....cant wait.....will be going back to school to see them....SOON!!!!.... hahaxx...

Have you ever felt like you belonged somewhere.... belonged to something....and you know deep down...... that no matter where you go.... you will indefinitely be drawn back.... thats how i am with my school.... I belonged somewhere when i was there.... lol..... In school i belonged..... It was a solace....a sanctuary.... and yet at times.... it also could be the hottest fiery pit of hell... but still i didnt mind....for i belonged.....

4/4/08..... lol....i still rmbr this date....haha.... it was CANTEEN DAY!!!!! ..... and ACS won the Rotary Debate for the first time in..... oh i long it has been.... 4.4.08 rocked to the MAX!!!!!!

Hmmm...... 2008.... 2008.... well..... it was one of those years....that you want to remember and yet forget.... lolx.....

Things i wanna rmbr
1. School
2. Friends...
3. Certain people.... (close friends) lolx!
4. Teachers....
5. Prefects Board
6. Canteen Day(just Canteen Day 4.4.08....and the preparations...NOT the aftermath!!!)
7. LTC (not the preparations..!!!!..... hahaha.....)
8. AGM(kinda....lolx....lets put it dis way....certain events)...
9. Debating!!.... n Public Speaking!!!

Things i want to forget.....
1.... errr....forget ady lor..... hahahaha!!!!

2008....was a year...even though it was bittersweet....was a year that taught me a lot.... i just hope that i learnt from it.... i hope i've learnt.... lol..... experiencing everything..... truly....experience is the greatest teacher.... I just hope i've learnt....not to make the same mistakes.... i dont wanna make those mistakes again in 2009..... a fool makes idiot repeats them.... i dont want to be an idiot in 2009..... Yes.... even though....2008 was hard on me.... at certain points..... i do not regret my past.... i am grateful to experince it all...... for i hope that i have learnt.... from it all....

Still.... i wonder if i have learnt....
I really do not know....
A shadow clouds my judgement.... maybe its the memories...?... haha.....

2009.... all i hope for is that it will be a much better year than 2008.... i dont know if i can take another 2008... lol.... but if i have to.... i will..... i am not afraid.... i will face it..... if i have to....
In 2009.... i hope that.... i can achieve all that i want to.... and yet still stay the same
Got lot of things...hopes n dreams for 2009....lolx....i can only do so much....the not in my hands... =)

Anyways.... Happy 2009 ppl....!!!!.....

I quote frm one of the msges i received on New Years Day....
"Life Is Beautiful If You Know How To Live It"

~JoNamasoo~ 2/1/2009 5.35 pm

Wednesday, December 24, 2008


Principles..... not to be confused with PRINCIPALS....

(Principal = headmaster..... ok?!?!)

Principles...... to me, principles are a certain set of rules that one abides by....or rather not rules but a fixed method of behaving or rather a way that one conducts themselves.....

Everyone has their own set of principles.... Yes....we set our own principles that we abide by....

This is what separates rules and prinicples.... You well...HAVE to follow rules...whether you like it or not....but for follow it willingly....u dont have to be forced....u want to.... because you feel that it is the right thing to do...

For me....i have 5 far...lolx.... they are 5 things that i will NOT do willingly...

What they for me to know....... lolx.. its P n C....for me to know....and for you.....maybe to find out!... =P

You see....the thing about principles is have your own set of reasons why you follow it... and these reasons.....will most probably seem ABSURD....and RIDICULOUS to another person....... but that's ok....cos....u are who u are.... u have ur own personality...and your own set of things that are acceptable and those that are not.....

And one thing that is a measure of a person... something that tells a lot...something that speaks volumes about a person.... is whether they are able to comply with their principles.... u takes a lot... not to be swayed easily into breaking your principles....

This is because....people have a way of making you do that... its actually quite easy..... this is how they do it...

1. ridicule
2. embarass
3. persuade
4. criticize

There are other ways....but these are the main ones.... and yes...many people have fallen prey to these tricks.... and have gone against their principles... and then.... there is no return....

To have the strength.... to be able to keep your be able to ensure that you stick and abide by your matter what.... now that takes a lot out of u.... it does.... because u will have to endure a small piece of hell...for standing up to what u believe in...... you will be ridiculed and ashamed.... but u must never give in..... for once you do... well you are no longer half the person you used to be...

And yet.... we do not realise that many amongst us are slowly shying away from their principles... succumbing to the pressure..... of others.... Do the opinions of others matter that much..until we sacrifice everything that we are....just to please a few..... that dont actually give a damn about you..... haha... yes the IRONY!!!!!

There is a damn good quote by Will Smith .... it goes something like this... " People spend time they dont have.... and money they dont need... to try and please people that they dont like "... or something like that...LOL....and i agree.... The one thing i can take from that quotation is that people nowadays care too much what other people think of them.... Ok..i agree.... what people think matter to a CERTAIN extent.... but u shldnt let it take over your life!!!...Come on... you are your own person... you are an INDIVIDUAL!!!! BE Yourself.....not some freak whom even you cant recognise anymore...... Look in the mirror.... and ask yourself... "Am I true to myself?.... Whatever principles i hold on to.....Do i still hold on to them?...... What kind of a person do i wanna be?..... Is this who i want to be?...."

Answer these questions.... and you might find yourself....wondering....for a loooong time..... But remember..... answer them....with all the honesty that you have...lolx.... read my post "The Mind".... u will find out that you cant cheat your mind.... for it knows you the best.....


Its been a while that i've posted... sry KL marrrr....... lol.... to all of you people out there....hope this post helps you find yourself.... to find the real you.... and to realise that... all you have to do... is just BE YOURSELF..... The new year is approaching.... so make a change!

"You Must Be The Change You Wish To See In The World" - GANDHI

~ Jo Namasoo ~27/12/2008 - 2.08 pm

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Questions..... But Dont Expect Answers...

The easiest thing to do in life...... is ask..... actually.... well...... its easy to ask.... except certain things... >< ...... hahaha.....


Well.... when you ask a question.... you do not have to do much.... all you have to do is open your mouth....and ensure that your sentence ends with a question mark.... duh.... its a question after all eh... hahaha.....

So..... next.....a question about a question.

Why do we ask questions?

The human mind.... is an ingenious device... that constantly works....even when we do not realise it... It is created to ask... it desires nothing but more... it always wants more.... nothing can satisfy its insatiable appetite for the unknown.... Therefore... we tend to ask... Anything that we do not know....we ask.... hoping for an answer to clear our doubts..... begging...that the shadows of uncertainty that shroud our mind.... will suddenly be dispelled... and we see the light....we become enlightened....

You see... to ask a question about well...pretty paradoxical indeed... haha...but that just goes to show.... we just want to know more.... MORE.....

What are questions?

They are just figments of our imaginations..... that cause us to think and think and think.... until we cant think anymore...for we are constantly searching for answers... Questions are our innermost self.... they represent who we are..what we are.... and also.... what we want to be... We question...ourselves..... and others... constantly..... search...hoping that we one day will be enlightened......

Why is it so easy to ask questions?.....(THIS APPLIES TO CERTAIN CASES ONLY!!!!)

This is because....when we ask....we expect an answer.... and if we cant obtain an answer...we dont feel anything....but he person..who is at a loss for words... because he/she cannot that in a predicament....but the person who asks...gets away with it...and at the same time..well kind of .......puts the other person the sense that an answer could not be provided..... Therefore the person who asks the question gets away scott free... without any repercussions.....(ONLY FOR CERTAIN CASES......... in most cases...asking too many questions...can get you into a heck of a lot of trouble!!!! watch it!!!!).... thats why it is easy to ask certain

Do answers exist for all questions?

No..Only God has all the answers....we as mere mortals do not... so....unless there is someway we can directly contact not saying its knows....?..... I quote from Eragon.... "Sometimes there are no answers - Saphira". And yes...for many questions that we do in fact ask....there are no answers...simply because.... they are too complex.... they cannot be explained by an answer.... They can only be explained and yourself. But the fact that answers do not exist.... only intrigues us more...we want to know....curiousity is like a drug.... u just want to takes can drive you insane...just to know.....u just want to badly.... is more potent than any drug knows exactly when, where and how to strike...when you're most vulnerable.....

What do our answers signify?

Our answers that we give to questions that do not have only one answer..... actually give ppl a clue about ourselves... the type of people we are.... our inner self... it gives people a glimpse into our psyche.... into our innermost thoughts and feelings. Actually we should not take the answers that we give people lightly.... because....when we answer.....we actually give people an impression of ourselves... and we dun want ppl to have the wrong impression of ourselves right????..... So when you are answering questions....please.... ENGAGE THE MIND BEFORE THE MOUTH IS IN GEAR!!!!!.......... Think before you say anything.... u dun wan to say the wrong thing okay if u embarass urself...(lol.... be a bit thick skinned larrrr.........)....but wat u dont wanna hurt people's feelings..... words though they dont seem like a lot...can be very very sharp.....if analyzed deeply..... it really can sharper than the sharpest blade... because it doesn't cut the cuts the cuts the psyche.... it tears the very fabric of your being....

Why do we feel confused? (This is pertinent bcos confusions involve questions mar ... :P)

Well....firstly....we must kno why we are its because we've got a question in our head that keeps repeating itself.... a question that we cannot answer...... lol....or if not...we're confused because of a situation.... and yes..we keep asking ourselves questions about it.... so...and in the process of asking questions...we confound...and befuddle ourselves...even the point....that we dont even realise what is it we were confused about in the first place.... lol.... So...confusion well...its self made....we always have the not think abt it....but lol..if u have read my previous post....u will know that ur mind will never let it go... haha... so..... lol.... we will all stay confused.... and yea....most of us...are confused...with just one or two songs stuck into our head....and just wonder.....why do the lyrics of those songs.... lol...well...pretty much take u on a trip down memory lane..... and prompt you to ask...more questions!!!!!!!! LOL!!!!!!!

Lol...this post isnt as long as the previous im sure some fellows are glad.. HAHAHA!!!!... So....any more questions abt questions?.....Haha....

~JoNamasoo~ 23/12/2008 7.01 pm

Monday, December 22, 2008

The Mind

The following post is merely one person's view of the mind.... I would appreciate comments about the mind...


The mind is by far the most unique creation of God...whichever God you bliv in....

The mind is not physical...u cannot capture it, u cannot c it.... u cannot feel a physical sense....

The mind is an abstract part of our world.... It doesnt feel pain in the literal sense of cannot be hurt physically...... and that makes the pain of the torturous.... u cant take sedative..... to stop it from hurting.....

Suicide is also NOT the answer.... the mind doesnt stop with death......

The mind is a part of your soul.... It is you... It becomes you... It makes you who u are.... Death is not the final frontier for the mind...

The i have said is abstract.... It cannot be hurt physically..... But it can be hurt.... It is not invulnerable... It is one of the most fragile creations.... There is no telling what one cut... one wound... one shatter can do to the mind....

Its fragility is immeasurable..... Thats why the mind must be handled with utmost care and respect..... Once it is wounded... There is no return....there is no gurantee...... there is no end...

You see... the mind is not limited to our body.... its reach is far..... it has no boundaries..... It does not see itself as limited or restrained by the shell that is out physical self...It doesnt need the body to survive....... The mind is endless.... it will continue to endure everything until time itself is no more..

The mind is is even bigger than the universe..... as our imagination is limitless.... after all.... the mind that imagined the universe...must of course be bigger than the universe itself...

Thats why......... the mind is the most powerful tool, weapon, offense, defense that one has..... and one can have..... It has no limits...... it is up to one to successfully utilize this power to the maximum of its potential.....

The mind has a destructive potential....i believe that it is innate in sense......the mind always seeks to create....n then destroy... the end...everything must be destroyed...only to leave the mind that survives..... The mind is the greatest travelling companion....where else can u find a companion that totally understands you.....where else can u find a being that is so much like you.... yet....can seem so far times.....especially....when ur alone.....

Do you realise that when ur alone....only ur mind remains..... u can lose yourself in it.... When you are alone.... u begin to think.... done by ur mind....not by ur brain.... the a wonderful tool.... when you're alone....u dont feel so lonely......unless ur thinking about being lonely....and loneliness...... haha...well....technically...thats what most people think about when they're alone.... LOL..... Unless they've got something else on their mind....that deserves more thought than loneliness.....

However as i have said.... the mind is a great companion.... for it is your only solace in your time of need....u may have all your friends to support you....of course.....friends help...but still...only you.... and only you...can truly appreciate..... the situation you are in....for in absolute are your mind...thats why we are called INDIVIDUALS..... because indeed we are alone in this world.... just try.....before sleeping...close your eyes...and just will find yourself alone....with your mind.....

Also.... the mind can be your greatest enemy.... as it is the best companion.... haha...because it knows exactly what you do not want to think about....and being both a friend and an enemy...will make u ....force u to think about it.... u have no choice....your mind is are your mind...your mind is nothing more than you make of it.... It forces you to face.....what u do not want can hide from your friends....behind a veil of lies....but your mind...sees through it is indeed..... truly.....the only companion you have..... It forces you to face facts.... that you do not want to..... for it knows.....that hiding...only prolongs...... it never ends.......

The mind is the greatest traveller.... It goes on journeys that astound us....being the passengers on that wonderful trip....haha.... We can go to the ends of the the smallest using our mind.... And yet....sometimes when we wander too far..... into the depths of our inner self.....we rediscover ourselves.... we find memories....that take us back into the past.... like a corrupted mp3 file that repeats continuously like a broken record.... until..... it repeats so many many times.....that you experience jamais vu (lol...this is the opposite deja vu.... deja when you see something and u feel its familiar...bcos u dont c it often.......jamais when you see something too many times....... it feels alien....LOL...c if u can und.....haha)

And yet.....when u travel far with the mind it is dangerous.....bcos when u get too engrossed with it.... u fail to realise that everything else is occuring around...and u miss out on a lot of things....and when u examine ur memories too much.... you lose yourself... and when you return....u find yourself a changed person...and also a lost person....for you have missed too much.... for you were spending....too much time thinking..... And when you come back a changed person.... you find yourself alienated from the have to make your way back....but u realise u can never be the same person.....

For once u have traversed your memories....and examined them in greater detail....u realise that u missed out on the small but significant details....that u previously overlooked....and that you ignored.... and that could have made all the difference in the world....ALL the difference in the world...and you tend to wonder....why?...why?....didnt i think of that earlier... Well.....stop's no use thinking abt the past...(this is easier said than bcos...the mind...has a very strange tendency to reflect, reminiscence, ponder about the details...that we once experienced) happens because it is just meant to be....( lol....accepting this hard...vry vry hard....).....u cant do anything about your past.... but maybe....just maybe...with that small glimmer of hope...u can indeed change your need luck....a heck of a lot of luck.....

The mind.... a gateway into the world....that is ourselves... the the most private thing anyone has... i mean...think about and only you have access to your mind... not even your parents...can see whats going through your head...well...(lol...if they know you well enough....they me....they can....haha....after all....they ARE your it is the murky pond from which the beautiful lotus flower grows....untainted..unspoilt..even though it originates....from the muddiest pond around....

Your your solace....your refuge....your quiet your time of need....But be wary... get in too deep.....and you will find it hard to escape the sweet callings of the mind...that entice....ensnare....and finally......take you in....until there is no return.....from the abyss....that is infinite......that is....THE MIND.... You only have one mind.....respect it.... ensure that it is well taken care of.... try NOT to hurt it....u dont want to end up in some psycho ward right?!?!??!.....haha.... but most of all.....use it is the greatest gift bestowed by god to humans..... do not let it go to waste.... USE YOUR MIND.... FOR THE BETTERMENT OF HUMANITY......and still dont forget....use it.... to quench the desire and thirst that is your imagination.....and allow yourself once in a think back.....and travel down the Read Of Memories..... and look back at your past....not to change it....but to learn from it....and make a better future for yourself this may seem like the second crappiest post on this blog....Hahahaha.....But... lol.... i think its a pretty good description of the mind...and its i have said the earlier post.....i dont expect you to understand my me.... my a treacherous place.... i have my private I hope you do sincerely have some comments and views about the power that is the mind....Please feel free to drop some comments.... I will gladly appreciate your views.... THANK YOU FOR READING..... I kno its a long post.... :P...... hahaha....

~JoNamasoo~ 4.00 am 23/12/2008

Sunday, December 21, 2008

The Boredom

21/12/2008 - 6.38pm

One of the worst things to feel..... is boredom....

My head is empty..... there's nothing in it..... Only the dull numbness of boredom....and...
and..... and..... well.... nothing else

The numbness.....creeps thru my mind... shutting down all feelings..... until only the numbness remains.

As my mind wanders thru all my memories, experiences, they all freeze in black n white photographs.....u kno its old....but u still want to remember it..... haha....

The mind is truly a great creation.... its diversity.... its ability to create....destroy.... imagine.... wonder....and wander.... it takes me to places....many places..... places of joy, sorrow, despair.... as my mind flashes thru all that i know....and all that i dont want to know..... i wonder...


does this boredom....have no end.... am i condemned to wander forever....?.... searching for somthing... that has some meaning.... i do not know..... but i kno...that everything has a reason... so..i wonder why....?.....why am i searching...?..what am i searching for...?....

And as this year comes to an end.... my mind traverses the calendar of 2008.... its wings spread far... allowing me to slowly examine every memory....cherish all that i have done this year... haha.... and also.... try to forget all that i want to....but inside i know it is futile....for the memories are engraved so deeply into my psyche..... that i know.... it can never be removed... the past will remain the memories of 2008....that's for another blog...another story...another day...

2008 was a wonderful year....i hope to end it on a high note.... but i do not know...hoping and wanting... desiring.... it all seems like it is of no use to me.... for the boredom.... drowns it all..... The light of hope flickers.... dimly though, for i realise that.... if hope is extinguished....i am gone..

Yet... the boredom struggles to put it out... but the flame of Hope....guarded by its stone warriors that are Determination, Strength, and Power.... fights on....even though it may seem like a losing battle... it fights...for it has HOPE....that maybe reinforcements will come...and back it ensure that Boredom.... is sent back...into the pits of ignorance from which it came...

My tired.... it yearns for a rest....but the mind cannot rest.... it must go on.... for once the mind starts to rest....this gives Boredom the advantage....and once it takes over.... imagination will perish... i cannot let that mind...must continue...drawing its reserve strength..... I continue to move forward....trudging slowly on the road ahead..... I see a fork in the road up ahead...

It is guarded by two knights.... one is evil the other is neutral.... for the goodness that once now no more..... I dread the choice that i have to make.... for it is a catch 22 situation... i do not want to make a move.....however...i look behind and find that Boredom is hot on my trail...on this Road Of Memories.... A choice must be made.... I do not know...for i dont have what it takes to decipher the right choice..... i know so little....i wish i knew more....but....i realise....that it would not be enough to know...whether it is the right choice...

For only experience, the greatest master..... can deliver such a lesson..... I make a choice.... and move forward..... only to find myself back at the beginning....i have been going around in circles.... I stop....look around.... and wonder... Is this road circular?....Have I been going around in circles?.... What does this mean?..... Does this signify something?..... Or maybe it means......that there is no escape from Boredom..... I bow my mind.... whirring fast.... thinking...thinking... and then....the numbness sets in again....

I have had enough on this Road of Memories.... I phase away from it.... returning to the clutter in my head.....with my mind on a wants to return to the road.....continue its journey.... subduing it...will not be an easy task...although the solution is simple.... the solution is is however....easier said than many things in life are.... i dread the daunting task at hand... subduing the mind...calming it down.... is a process......that if not done correctly....will consume me....and once i am in...i fear that there is no way out.....

I pray for strength.....for the choice made at the fork in the no metaphor...i must make it... and i must make the right choice.... and subduing the mind will drain me ...... i will be weak...and vulnerable.... i do not know....

My memories..... are the greatest treasure i have.... and the fact that i can never be separated from them is both a blessing as it is a curse.... 2008..... was one heck of a year.... lol... to put it simply...UNFORGETTABLE..... BITTERSWEET.....

I look towards 2009..... maybe it will be better.... or worse... only time will tell..... for time is infinite..... it will remain forever....... time..... and choices..... will remain....for life is indeed about that.... we constanlty chase for time.... and make choices everyday.... some choices are easy.... simple...but some are indeed difficult....for the consequences that follow are enormous.... they do not affect us alone....they affect everyone around us.....

It is a terrible fate to be in a position to decide and choose.... I know.... It is tough... We all wish that we dont have to be in such a situation... but we fail to realise....that it is inevitable...

This is the most crappiest post i have ever posted..... The reason for it is.... I have no reason... It is a random thought that crossed my mind.....influenced by all my experiences.... it may sound like gibbersih to many.....but hey....who ever said u are supposed to understand me... for me and me alone to understand.... getting into my a treacherous journey..... it is a used battlefield filled with land mines.... one wrong step.... and.....

~ Jo Namasoo ~

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


Lol..... 15/12/2008

hari ini dlm sejarah.....bcos for the first bulp* organizing sumthin...*semua tepuk tgn*......beri sokongan that i dun have to organize stuff all d time...... :D

Well...arrived there at abt 12.30 la.... according to the time given by mr. ORGANIZER!!!

Unfortunately...... org yang bikin planning..... lambat dtg...

lol...lucky wasnt that late....if not ask him to blanja evryone...then bulp cm pokai...


So....finally mr.organizer came...n we all ordered food....

ONE HOUR AFTER I ARRIVED!!!!!!!!! starving....

then waiting for food to lol..u guessed it .............*MAKAN*

Lol...i guess i dun have to explain how the eating part went right.... (but for those of u who r still blurrrrrrr........................ nvm i will! take the food...put in ur mouth...chew...taste....swallow....then digestion..sumthin tells me im sidetracking to biology edi...haha)

so..thats abt it.... lol.... it was a sumwhat interesting lunch... especially with one dude..whacking 6 scoops of ice cream for lunch...WOW!!!!!


*Names changed to protect privacy

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Lepaking Part 2

This is the second post in my "Lepaking Series"...
haha.... there's one thing i know for sure.... THERE'S GONNA BE A LOT OF LEPAKING POSTS!!!!!! wakakakaka.....

So....2day...there was manusia 1*....who was supposed to cm to my she at got up at 7.30 am (lol...not 8.05)......just for that fella...n he cmes at 9.30 sumthin...haix... to parade...wher manusia 2* n manusia 2's bro were waiting.... They all belum wait for them to eat...itu manusia 1 pun nak makan....... ish...dia makan banyak...sangat banyak....... hahaha....tapi...kurus wei....kurus... Then manusia 3* arrived.

After that...we went to comp shop... Now i can play NFS cant bliv he took such a long time to install....the comp shop guy's pc got 6 fans..but the thing so dam friggin slow.....wasted abt half an hour there....

Then..v went makan in put all dam nice songs there....hahahaha.....

After that...v watched nice funny was dam dam cute...."I'll Go Break His Neck!"

Hahaha.....then went to cc for one hour.... played 2 and manusia 2's bro were too good la..... the rest of us got thrashed left right n centre...haix.... wat to marrr.....

Thats all folks....till next LEPAKING session....hahaha.....

*Names have been changed to protect privacy!!!!!!!! wakakaka*

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Bbq Nite

Adalah sebermulanya kisah di mana seorang yang bernama Kelentong* bercadang untuk mengadakan BBQ di rumahnya di suatu kawasan bernama Taman Ampang

Lol...enuff with the ancient language.....lets get back to ENGLISH!

Haha... Reached there abt almost evryone was ady
I still dun get wats wrong with wearing jeans to a as long as wearing clothes enuff la... ISH! Sakai betul....

Haha....then.... to BBQ the food..... with the skewers..... sharp objects...dangerous i tink i kno where they is not a ceritified story...just my guess..... ( skewers originated during medieval soldiers went to battle....they ate meat or watever.....using their swords to poke the meat.... yes i kno its a bit absurd....but nobody's gonna know for sure...)

Lol....i almost poked one dude in his head.....It was close...real close.... Haha...thk god it missed...i dun tink i wld have wanted to eat his but would have been interesting...wakaka.......

Then,.....there were the drinks..... lol..... according to the same dude that almost got a hole in his head...... both of us have PRINCIPLES!!!!! we're non alcoholics....wat to do....bdk baik mar...hehehe.....

So....... then...... lol.... adalah... make any money tho.... stingy fellows....hahaha..... Lucky i brought my trusty capo....(for those of u guitarists....u will kno wat dis is.....for those of u who dont..too bad.... :P)

Haha...... thats abt was fun....
Lol...wonder when the next BBQ is.... Haha.... ur reading this.. lol...tell me when the next one is... HAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!

*Names have been changed to protect privacy...altho...i dun tink there is too much privacy...cos...many ppl kno KELENTONG!!!!!!!!!............hahahaha.........

Monday, December 8, 2008

Friends Birthday Party 1

Friend : Mr X*..... lol...for reasons that have everything to the alphabet 'X'...... hahaha.....
Venue : Ipoh....duh...i m not going to kl...for ppl's bday.....unless im there....wakaka.....


1. Rain....rain... rain.... poor guy.... its rained the whole time.....the whole time.... was a wet
birthday.... Many ppl came tho....haha.....(this is an indication of the kinda person he is....rain
oso ppl still come)

2. Next..... makan..... food was good...really good... wonder why the birthday boy didnt eat tho..
lol.... maybe he knows sumthin v all dont....(conspiracy!!!!)

3. CAKE!..... Lol....shape of cake = KEY!.....Lol...finally all the shackles broken... he's legally able to
do all the illegal stuff he's been doing

4. TALK ..... CHIT CHAT!....... Haha...was talking to my were my seniors...except
my fren's bro... Lol...wat else to crap oni lerrr.....(ACS Debaters..can crap
well...haha....ask our teacher.....she is the SIFU of crapping)


Saturday, December 6, 2008

Lepaking Part 1

Objective : Maximise methods to waste time after the exams have finished
Venue : Ipoh Parade , PC Fair, My House
Time : 0930 hours to 1815 hours

9.30 am : Wait for Manusia 1*
10.00 am : Leave home
10.15 am : Reach Parade
10.16 am to 11.00 am : Wait for Manusia 2* and Manusia 3*
10.25 am : Arrival of Manusia 2*
10.50 am : Arrival of Manusia 3* ( reason late is bcos TERsilap masa )
11.00 am : Bowling
11.30 am : Departure of Manusia 3*, arrival of Manusia 4*...Continue bowling
12.00 pm : Watch TWILIGHT ( DAM CUN MOVIE!!!!!! )
2.15 pm : Lunch at kopitiam, Manusia 3* arrives again
3.00 pm : PC Fair....crowded like dunno wat la...if fall down..ppl sure pijak...nex day will cm out
in paper "Budak Lepasan STPM dipijak penyek di PC Fair!".....
3.30 pm : Manusia 4* leaves
4.00 pm : Back to Parade
4.30 pm : Adjourn to my house, NFS undercover CANNOT WORK!!!!!! CRAP!!!!!...... Jamming
5.30 pm : Tea
6.00 pm : Departure of Manusia 1* and Manusia 3*
6.15 pm : Departure of Manusia 2* got addicted to nfs most wanted edi...hahaha.....

Outcome of Experiment : FUN FUN FUN!!!!!
Suggestions for NEXT lepaking session : Jamming, cc, bowling, errr......summore?????



So bengang...!
Was gaming....then suddenly electricity supply went off!!!!!
STUPID!!!!!and i DIDNT SAVE!!!!!!!!

1 and a half hours of gaming wasted.....down the drain....

I dont care......
HAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!! xams over...and i got all d time in the world...wakakaka.....