Sunday, June 14, 2009

Hell's Kitchen


The great walls of flames crash mercilessly onto the maimed body that hangs limply from the lone mast that juts out of the ocean of flames that rages on, in a constant massive storm, a storm that never ceases to stop, a storm that only increases the intensity and the ferocity of the ocean. It feels like an eternity... It actually is. The condemned man, tied to the plank of wood that can never be burnt is silent. Silent as a graveyard. But, he is not dead. He is not allowed to die. If it were up to him, he would have given his life anytime to stop the endless vicious cycle of suffering and torture.

However, it is not his life to give. Each time the flames torch his body, the flesh is instantly evaporated off his skeleton. The pain is undescribable. in the next instant, the flesh is regenerated, but the pain remains. Then, the accursed body just waits for the next wall of flame to sear the flesh right of the bones. The body dies again.... and again. It will die until the end of time. The silent body screams inside. Its mouth to weak to move. It has been suffering for as long as he can remember. He has no past, no present, no future. Everything is a repetition. His entire life is one big circle of never ending pain, excruciating pain and death. He has died and returned so many times that he doesnt fear death anymore. He fears life for everytime he lives, he will die again.

The body. It was not always like that. However, the past that is too far away to remember cannot be thought about for it brings about pain on another level. Physical suffering is enough isn't it? But it isn't. For the body, he must suffer, he must pay for what he has done. He has to suffer on behalf of everybody, for everything is indirectly connected to him, therefore it is his fault, his dillema and his suffering, his torture. Not suffering would be even worse torture.... the guilt would be unbearable. The guilt of not being able to pay for his crimes would drive him insane. He would not have what it takes to suffer the pain of death every second, for every minute, for every hour, for every day, for every week, for every month, for every year of his life. But he wants to suffer. He is paying for his crimes and is being punished by himself. He deserves worse

A whip appears in the sky , followed by thousands more. The whips crack and lash onto the naked flesh, biting into the dead skin. Blood, flesh, muscles, and sinew drop to the flaming ocean of hellfire. This time, the body gains the strength to howl into the pitch black void that surrounds the ocean. The howls are soon drowned out by the cracking and lashing of the innumerable whips onto every square inch of that condemned body. But he wants it. Every new cut makes him feel satisfied. He doesn't only want more... he NEEDS more.

Swords, daggers, katanas, rapiers surround the nearly lifeless body, They stab the body with such force that the organs are ripped out of the shell that encase them. The blades pierce into the wounds left by the whips that still continue to crack with a ominous rhythm. The blades slice off the flesh, layer by layer, slowly.... very slowly, so that the maximum pain is felt by the dead receptors. The arms, legs are slowly chopped off. The eyeballs gouged out, the tongue severed, the nose cleanly sliced off, the lungs punctured, the heart skewered on a blade, the entrails spew out of the gastrointesinal cavity. But that still demands a lot more... The body demands more.... MORE!!!!

The external torture rages on...... The internal torture is on a much more terrifying level. Blue hot flames sear the inside of the body. Burning through memories and nerves, burning through feelings, ideas, emotions, leaving nothing left of the consciousness but just enough to become alive and dead the same time. The flames burn everything in existence. The inside is a barrren wasteland. Nothing can survive there, but the consciousness if left to rot and die..only to be reborn in that desolate place to suffer again again again before dying to complete the vicious cycle.

The body demands more! It needs to suffer. It wamts to. It HAS to. It will continue to do so till the end of time. It wants to.. it doesnt want to... It has to.... It doesnt have to... it needs to... it doesnt need to... This torture only adds to its list of continuous suffering, It will suffer all it wants. It will and it must and it just adores the suffering, hating it with a contempt that cannot be described in words or expressions or feelings. It has to be experienced. A PERMANENT EXPERIENCE FOR ETERNITY.

Want to experience Hell's Kitchen?!?!?!
Sure Sure!

Oh wait... wer'e already there....

14/6/2009 2.01 a.m.